forest with golden sunlight coming through the trees

Ecstasy - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

ECSTASY O God Most High, forever I shall be in love with Thee; Thy priceless kiss of forgiveness redeems my stained and sterile soul, That I may spend eternity Among the wildly happy free who

Bid Me Farewell - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

BID ME FAREWELL O World, I will not miss you when I go O Flesh, I'll leave you mouldering here below; The world is but a dust speck on the scales The flesh rots back

Tired of Time - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

TIRED OF TIME Tired of Time--bound down with all its fetters Numbers 1,2,3 and A,B,C of letters The step-after-step constant chronologicality Of ticking-tocking clocked-in clocked-out reality

Holy Wounds - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

HOLY WOUNDS (A SONNET) The holy wounds Jesus of Nazareth Bore in His head, His hands, His feet, His side, Forgiveness finished full at His last breath; The church begun when flowed the crimson

Holy Wounds - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

HOLY WOUNDS (A SONNET) The holy wounds Jesus of Nazareth Bore in His head, His hands, His feet, His side, Forgiveness finished full at His last breath; The church begun when flowed the crimson tide.

The Woman at the Well - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

THE WOMAN AT THE WELL My man lay resting in the shade His arm over his eyes was laid His garment stained with dust and sweat A half-day's work remaining yet. I cleared away our midday meal

Divine Love - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

DIVINE LOVE The intensity of Love divine White-hot the inextinguishable flame Jealousy inseverable as death's chains Unyielding as the graveyard's claim. Flesh on

Pressure and the Precious - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

PRESSURE AND THE PRECIOUS   Green plants producing food to feed Of value to man's daily need And when the fruitful harvest's o'er The plants descend toward a value more.  

Trees - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

TREES   The quivering leaves of the trees Blowing lightly in the breeze Gently to the heart bring ease So full, so fresh, so green The swaying branches preen And groundward fall the

Camellias - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

CAMELLIAS   Camellias bloom in winter Lush beauty out of season With deeply layered petals, Colors rich and Densely dyed, blossoms Prolific fully fill the Bounteous bush,

The Wise Man - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

THE WISE MAN My story is long, it might take a while So make yourself comfortable, sit, listen my child The actual events happened so long ago But the content holds Truth you truly must know. My

Deception - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

DECEPTION   "Why do the heathen rage," --how short their stint upon the stage-- "And the people imagine a vain thing?" Can lies dethrone the Truth as King?  

God's Treasury (A Sonnet) - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

GOD'S TREASURY (A SONNET) He notices and knows: the widow's mite Surpasses all the gifts offered that day; Of value more two coins were in His sight Than largest sums the rich could easily

The Mystery of Disappointment - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

THE MYSTERY OF DISAPPOINTMENT He heals the brokenhearted He will finish what He started; Have decades passed and still desires are burnt in endless holy fires? Remember Moses' bush


Len’s Teaching Newsletters

Len’s Teachings Guide

  • The Book of Genesis – July 2007 – March 2009
  • Psalm 119 – June – September 2012
  • The Book of Daniel – September 2012 – May 2013
  • The Book of Acts – May 2011 – June 2012
  • The Book of Romans – June 2013 – March 2014
  • The Book of Galatians – October 2006 – June 2007
  • The Book of Hebrews – March 2010 – February 2011
  • The Book of James – March 2014 – December 2014
  • The Book of Jude – March 2011 – April 2011
  • The Book of Revelation – September 2008- January 2010
  • The Life of Jesus – October 2004 – February 2006
  • The Life of David – March 2006 – October 2006

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