
Monthly Teaching Letter

Sonnet of the Savior - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

SONNET OF THE SAVIOR Could there ever be a Savior more wonderful than Jesus? The perfect Son of God in glory saw His broken image in the sons of men, The ... Continue reading →

John's Fifth Chapter - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

JOHN'S FIFTH CHAPTER   The morning sun beat down on me The colonnade shadowed gracefully Another day spent by the pool My dampened rag to keep me cool. Only the mat twixt ... Continue reading →

True Art - A Poem By Kristen Sykes

TRUE ART The Artisan of the heart Gathers the broken shards Covets the world's discards Seeks all pieces shattered As if to Him they mattered To work ... Continue reading →

Afflictions - A Poem by Kristen Sykes

AFFLICTIONS These light and momentary afflictions --Sorrows, losses, tears, addictions-- Are earning for us an eternal weight of glory --Hold on darling, it's not the end of the ... Continue reading →

God the Worker -He Never Stops Working to Make Us More Like Jesus Christ

Dear Friends, "But Jesus answered them, "My Father has been working until now He has never ceased working , and I too am working." (John 5:17) God rested on the seventh day after He created the ... Continue reading →

“Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty, I’m Free at Last!”

Dear Friends, This powerful dream and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the heart cry of the apostle Paul regarding our deliverance from our old, cruel master - sin, to our new, good Master ... Continue reading →

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